Japan Amusement Expo 2019 (Cantonese & English)
Hello everyone. Have you heard of "JAEPO" (Japan Amusement Expo)? it's an arcade-themed exhibition and I was fortunate enough to get the business ticket from my customers, so I would like to introduce you to the "JAEPO" 2019 exhibition.
This year's "JAEPO" will be held from January 25th (For Business Only) to 26th and 27th (For Public). It was held at the Makuhari Messe in Chiba Prefecture, same as the Tokyo Game Show. This time I got a business ticket, so it may be different from the public. In addition, the nearby venue also holding an Esports event called "Tokaigi". You can participate in both events at the same time.
On my way to the venue, there were advertisements and guides about the event.
Using the ticket to exchange a pass at "JAEPO" counter, then you can enter the exhibition hall afterwards. ("Manufacturer/Components/Others" was the pass I exchanged.)
最初去咗「SEGA Interactive」的展覽攤位,嗰度主要有「StarHorse4」、「WCCF FOOTISTA 2019」、「けものフレンズ3 プラネットツアーズ」、「maimai でらっくす」等的街機遊戲同其他夾公仔類型的遊戲機比各位試玩。
Firstly I went to the exhibition booth of "SEGA Interactive". There are arcade games such as "StarHorse4", "WCCF FOOTISTA 2019", "Kemono Friends 3 Planet Tours", "maimai でらっくす" and other claw machines for everyone to play.
"SEGA Interactive" booth
「StarHorse」系列經過20年歷史後,今次終於發表「StarHorse4」的新作。比起前作遊戲增加了各個元素令遊戲性大幅度強化。例如;座椅將採用電動斜倚和電動腳踏功能,玩家可以調教適合自己的坐姿,即使長時間遊戲都唔會攰。「秘書支援」比手機版多1位,共6位秘書可供選擇,用作支援玩家賽馬。(除此之外;全國實時對戰、StarHorse卡、StarHorse TV等元素都會在本作中增加。)
"StarHorse" series has 20 years of history, now its finally releasing a new title "StarHorse4". Compared to the previous game in the series, various elements are added to the game and greatly enhanced the gameplay. For example, the seat will use electric reclining and electric pedaling, players can adjust the sitting position that suits him, players won't feel tired even playing for a long time. In "Secretary Support" players also get one more secretary than the mobile version, so there will be total of six secretaries are available to support the player's horse racing. (In addition, National Real-Time Battles, StarHorse Cards, StarHorse TV and other elements will be added.)
"StarHorse" booth
Advertising boards describing all the new features in front of the "StarHorse" booth.
There are real machines on display at the venue, and the staff are explaining the gameplay for the players.
The producers are explaining the various elements of the game at the venue.
在「WCCF FOOTISTA 2019」遊戲中玩家以教練身份指揮球隊,收集各選手的卡牌去自由組合自己的所屬球隊。在賽事中可以一邊利用戰術指示、一邊控制卡牌的移動進行比賽。與前作不同之處;在今作中可以即時進行卡牌印刷、機身追加了各功能的按鈕。
In the "WCCF FOOTISTA 2019" game, players will direct the team as a coach, collecting soccer player cards and organizing your own team. You can use the tactical instructions and move the soccer player cards on the field while playing. Different from the previous title, the soccer player cards are print instantly, and more function buttons are added on the machines.
係「WCCF FOOTISTA 2019」攤位設有4部機供各位試玩。
There are 4 machines at the "WCCF FOOTISTA 2019" booth for you to try.
同「WCCF FOOTISTA 2019」一樣,卡牌都是採用即時印刷的方法 (Print on demand),玩家可以自由組合卡牌的角色進行戰鬥。而遊戲是以回合制進行,在發動攻擊或防守前是需要配合時間按下按鈕戰鬥。我諗收集可愛的角色同育成角色的元素,是依隻遊戲的賣點吧?
Have you heard of "Kemono Friends"? It's an anime that was a great hit in Hong Kong, even I haven't watched I still know a little bit about it. I didn't have the chance to try it however, I can feel that the game itself is quite simple and suitable for any ages by just watching others play.
Like "WCCF FOOTISTA 2019", this game using "Print on Demand" technology printing game cards instantly. It is a turn-based game that players can mix and match those game cards to battle, players also have to press buttons on specific timing to preform attack or defense. Collecting those super cute characters and leveling them up should be the selling points, right?
You can make an business appointment at the reception.
I stood there watching others trying the game demo.
maimai でらっくす
The music's latest work "maimaiでらっくす" was exhibited at the venue, and it evolved further than the previous function.The arcade have a front lens and earphone jack. The touch mode in the gameplay has a corresponding change, the settings and difficulty can be adjusted according to the player's ability.
大家係「maimai でらっくす」攤位到排隊試玩。
Everyone are lining up at the "maimai" booth just to wait for playing the demo.
On the other booths, there are a lot of coin pushers and claw machines for everyone to play.
Let's take a break... I am not a professional blogger or reporter. It’s a bit hard to introduce all the games in the JAEPO. From now on I will focus on those interesting games, hope you all would understand.
Let's go and introduce you TAITO's booth. As I remember their booth was small in "Tokyo Game Show 2018" last year, this time they were huge and lively in "JAEPO".
去到TAITO的攤位,發現一隻「SPACE INVADERS GIGAMAX」標題的遊戲,依隻咪是好耐年前的「SPACE INVADERS」街機遊戲?雖然依隻遊戲都有數十年歷史,但今次已進化到可以係嗰大型螢幕到同多位玩家同時進行遊戲體驗。消滅所有入侵者「INVADERS」後,在最後階段會出現巨型BOSS,當撃到BOSS後,就會顯示各玩家的排行同結束遊戲。
In TAITO's booth I first spotted a game called "SPACE INVADERS GIGAMAX". Isn't it the good old "SPACE INVADERS"? It has evolved to be able to play with multiple players in a large screen after decades of years. A final boss will appear after eliminate all the "INVADERS", players will be scored and ranked after defeating the boss.
You can play with multiple players on the large monitor.
When the game is over, each player's ranking and result will be displayed.
此外;會場還設有「電車でGO!!」、「VR進撃の巨人 THE HUMAN RACE」、「おまつりクエスト ヒッパレQ」攤位供各位試玩。
In addition, the venue also has "Densha de Go !!", "VR ATTACK ON TITAN" THE HUMAN RACE", "おまつりクエスト ヒッパレQ" game demos.
After decades of years, one of the most famous "ATARI" game, "PONG", is going to launch again. The gameplay is still old "PONG", by adding magnetic and motor technology the new "PONG" looks interesting and refreshing. The game let you play versus player or AI, and there are 3 levels of difficulty in versus AI mode. I tried the Normal difficulty hope that I could get a good result, I kept beaten by the AI still. (There was a slightly delay of the racket, so it is a bit difficult to predict the direction of the ball's movement.)
Although the game is old as ancient relic, with the combine of new hardware technology, the idea is still very innovative and attractive.
Participants are playing a two-player match.
Games such as "SPACE INVADERS PINBALL JAM" and "SUPER CHEXX PRO" are on display.
BandaiNamce的攤位有各式各樣的遊戲展出、例如;「ジョジョの奇妙な冒険 ラストサバイバー」、「ソードアート・オンライン アーケード ディープ・エクスプローラー」、「拳7 FATED RETRIBUTION ROUND 2」、「冒険川下りVR ラピッドリバー」、「VS PARK ニゲキル」等遊戲。當日有兩隻遊戲好似特別受歡迎,所以黎緊會簡單介紹依兩隻遊戲。
BandaiNamce's booths are available in a variety of games, such as "JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Last Survival", "Sword Art Online Arcade Deep Explorer", "Tekken7 Fated Retribution Round 2", "VR Adventure Rapid River", "VS PARK ニゲキル" and other games. I will introduce two most popular games among all BandaiNamce's title in "JAEPO".
Although there are a lot of arcade games in the booth, I was attracted by the VR game that a group of 4 players experiencing river rafting. Players have to hold the raft controller and work together avoiding obstacles (rocks, trees) until they reach the end of the ruins. The machines will swing in response to the terrain and the player's action. It feels very realistic by just watching it.
I got excited by just looking at the large advertisement, excellent design!
The player's game progress will be displayed on the top screen.
唔知大家有冇試過同猛獣鬥快跑的經驗呢?相信大部分人都唔會有咁的經驗吧。「VS PARK ニゲキル」是一款唔可以比猛獸捉到的超短距離逃跑遊戲。最初玩家會隨機抽出動物作對戰,同時需要留意螢幕中猛獣,要係佢捕捉到你之前逃到目標地點。雖然遊戲的玩法很簡單,但要逃離高速猛獣的追捕並非一件易事。
Have you ever had experience on competing a race with wild animals? I guess not. "VS PARK ニゲキル" is an ultra-short distance running game. At first, you will randomly pick an animal for the battle, then you have to pay attention to the screen, if the animal started to hunt you down, you gotta run for your life. If you manage to run and escape to the target location before the animal got you, you win! The gameplay is simple, but to survive as the prey is not easy.
The title of the game is very interesting.
Before the match up, you must randomly select the beast as an opponent.
This player is really bad luck. Hey, the strongest opponent "Cheetah" has been chose.
「BandaiNamco」的攤位設置咗「ソードアート・オンライン アーケード ディープ・エクスプローラー」、『ジョジョの奇妙な冒険 ラストサバイバー』、『鉄拳7 FATED RETRIBUTION ROUND 2』、『湾岸ミッドナイトマキシマムチューン6』等遊戲供各位試玩。
The "BandaiNamco" booth has different games for your try such as "Sword Art Online Arcade Deep Explorer", "JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Last Survival", "Wangan Midnight Maximum Tune 6", "Tekken Fated Retribution Round 2", etc.
「BandaiNamco Tech」的攤位主要展出「HALO FIRETEAM RAVEN 4 PLAYER」、「水でっぽう大冒険」、「リングトス」、「SUPER KIXX PRO」等的代理遊戲。
The "BandaiNamco Tech" booth mainly features "HALO FIRETEAM RAVEN 4 PLAYER", "Water Margin", "リングトス", "SUPER KIXX PRO" and other distributed games.
「HALO FIRETEAM RAVEN 4 PLAYER」最多可以4人遊戲。 "HALO FIRETEAM RAVEN 4 PLAYER" can be played by up to 4 people.
Kill enemies with a water gun, looks fun.
"Water Margin" Video
係KONAMI的攤位有「DanceDanceRevolution 20th anniversary model」、「アニマロッタ アニマと雲の大樹」、「エルドラクラウン 紅蓮の覇者」等的作品展出供各位試玩。
At the KONAMI's booth, there are games such as "DanceDanceRevolution 20th anniversary model", "Anima Lotta: アニマと雲の大樹", and "Eldora Crown 紅蓮の覇者" for you to try.
"DanceDanceRevolution" had a history of 20 years now. I remembered that this game was a big hit in the game center back in my day of secondary school, students and my friends are addicted to it. I haven't been playing this game for years long and lost my dancing skill, fortunately there was a professional player performing at the venue that I could enjoy and recall my memories.
Although there are staff on the right side to show us how to play the game, the players on the left is dancing really well, I kept watching him dancing until the end.
"DanceDanceRevolution" Video
攤位設有「アニマロッタ アニマと雲の大樹」、「エルドラクラウン 紅蓮の覇者」、「ボンバーガール」等遊戲試玩。另外,會場的設計都非常唔錯。
There are games such as "Anima Lotta: アニマと雲の大樹", "Eldora Crown 紅蓮の覇者", and "Bomber Girl" for you to try and the booths are designed very well.
EnHeart's booth was surrounded by Japanese festival atmosphere. I was interested in and tried the game "Ghost's Shooting Gallery". On other hand, they were displaying coin pushing games like "バシャバシャ" and "もっとみんなでダービーダッシュ".
"Ghost's Shooting Gallery" s the largest three players shooter that you have to shoots off prizes and shoot down those ghosts. The game background will change constantly and there is boss fight at the final, players can use their scores exchange for special bullets, this makes the game more interesting. With the summer festival theme and cute characters, the game is simple and fun, it will be launch at July and go try it if you have the chance.
*Although it is off topic, the game's graphic and the theme reminded me of the PS1 game "俺の料理".
「EnHeart」的攤位充滿祭典的氣氛,在場試玩了「おばけの射的屋」同「バシャバシャ」。 The booth of EnHeart is full of Japanese festival atmosphere, I tried "Ghost's Shooting Gallery" and "バシャバシャ".
"Ghost's Shooting Gallery" Video
係「Safari Game」攤位展出了「VRお化け屋敷 呪刻列車・呪刻教室」、「AKA & BLUE TYPE」、「AKYRIDS EXA」等遊戲。
"VRお化け屋敷 呪刻列車・呪刻教室", "AKA & BLUE TYPE", "AKYRIDS EXA" and other games were exhibited at the Safari Games's booth.
「Safari Game」攤位設有數台的街機,有唔同類型的射擊遊戲供試玩。
The Safari Games booth has several arcades and there are different types of shooting games for trial.
Super Wing
這是一款由「Super Wing」開發的「Robot Battle」為題材的遊戲,遊戲最大的賣點是控制器會射出小型的波波球,打中螢幕將敵人撃倒的射擊遊戲。
"Robot Battle" was an arcade game developed by "Super Wing", players hold the controllers to shoot balls and hits the monitor screen to defeat enemies, quite interesting.
The player is playing a demo and the controller will shoot balls.
「Robot Battle」影片
"Robot Battle"Video
The sticker camera can be support more than 15 people at the same time, but is there any market for sticker camera in this smartphone generation?
係「Cloudgate」的攤位到(韓國廠商),以運動作為題材的「Legend Sports Heroes」展出籃球、足球、射箭等遊戲,玩家可以體驗像競技一樣的比賽,並可以同親朋戚友一起享受對戰的樂趣。
At the "Cloudgate" booth (Korean manufacturers), the sport themed arcade "Legend Sports Heroes" showcasing basketball, football, archery and other sport games. Players can experience competitions and enjoy the fun with friends and family.
以運動作為題材的「Legend Sports Heroes」融合了運動同Party Game的元素,帶埋親戚朋友黎玩是最好不過。
"Legend Sports Heroes" is a sport themed arcade game fusion of sport and party game elements, best played with family and friends.
"Legend Sports Heroes" Basketball Video
"Legend Sports Heroes" Aarchery Video
「GPAcorp」主要集中開發夾公仔遊戲,在攤位展出了「バブルキャッチャー」、「G-CATCHERミニ✖ミニ」、「G-CATCHER ミニプラス」等作品。特別是「バブルキャッチャー」機身設計十分之得意可愛,所以在場睇完人試玩之後,自己都試埋一份。
"GPMcorp" focus on claw machines, such as "Bubble Catcher", "G-CATCHER Mini✖Mini", and "G-CATCHER Mini Plus", especially "Bubble Catcher", the machine design is super cute, so I tried it rather than just watch someone play.
The gameplay of "Bubble Catcher" is very simple. Just like the photos below, after inserting coins, three holes in the machine will start rotating constantly. By pressing button a big capsule will be dropped from the roof, if you press button in the right moment, the capsule will drop into one of the holes, and you get the prize! "Bubble Catcher" has three colors (green, blue, pink) and the design is very cute.
The machine design is very cute and must be very popular within children.
"Bubble Catcher" Video
會場重有好多唔同類型的攤位,例如:『加賀アミューズメント』、『mine's』、『KNT 』、『Amuzy』等的廠商展出產品。
There are a lot of booths of different brands in the venue, such as: "Kaga アミューズメント", "mine's", "KNT", "Amuzy" and other manufacturers showcasing their latest products.
中國廠商「UNIS」的攤位到,主要展出了「PONG」的街機遊戲。 The booth of the Chinese manufacturer "UNIS" was focusing on the "PONG" arcade game.
在「JAEPO SHOP」到有各遊戲廠商的商品售賣,手袋、公仔、卡、手機套等各式各樣的新產品都可以係到買到。
In "JAEPO SHOP", there are various products sold by game manufacturers, such as handbags, dolls, cards, smartphone case and others.
在回程前黎到「JAEPO SHOP」,發覺部分商品早已賣晒。 Some items were already sold out before I came in "JAEPO SHOP".
I was leaving around 5:30pm, and there was less crowded in the venue.
如果你看到依到,真是非常感謝你。 報告完畢。
This is my first time to join "JAEPO", A lot of new titles were exhibited at the event, pretty much like going into a amusement arcade. I can feel that the arcade market in Japan is more thriving.
Although everyone saying console and arcade gaming market is shrinking, as an medium of entertainment, games should not be limited to any platform or form. Games should keep continue to evolve. At the end, I look forward arcade gaming industry keep growing, developing and releasing awesome titles and giving players more and more excellent experiences.
Thank you very much for reading. End of report.